H E L L O D A V E . C O



A color delicious Fictional User Interface (FUI) entirely made in illustrator and After-effects. This was a practice piece on making some designs for an Alien kind of interface, and I did not worried too much about color correcting the colors due to my color blindness, I just left he way I think looks nice!



I had to switched off my brain from UX analizing thing I'm drawing in the Ui, so I could just have fun with shapes and colors. Years worrying about UX on real UIs is a habit that is particularly hard for me to ignore, this was the 1st piece I thought I completely ignored, but I even color cordinated the infomation and sizes, so yep, not a full UX-off. lol. Also I tried to not spend a lot of time, so all on the clock with a 5hrs mark, only Illustrator and After Effects, no plugins of FX.

Photoshop was used just to save the images and compress correctly for web.


::: INFO

  • Concept art

  • UI / FUI
  • Motion art


  • llustrator
  • After Effects
  • Photoshop